Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My days of domestic servitude are over, for now

Today was my last day before i have to go back to work. I have a new teacher orientation tomorrow which starts my exciting career as an Illinois public teacher. So what did I do today on my last day before I have to get back to the daily grind? relax? watch the Olympics? lounge around all day? Nope, I did work. I made a spaghetti sauce since we had some tomatoes that were battered and bruised.

I also made two loaves of zucchini bread since we are swimming in zucchini and squash.

I also did several loads of laundry and went to a local farmers market to get some bread a few other things. So not much relaxing, but tomorrow starts the real grind.


Fran said...

Would you consider coming here for a long weekend? We might not pay you but we would love your food!!

Fran said...

PS - I gave you a present. Really, come on over before your teaching takes over!

GourmetGoddess said...

The sauce is quite yummy. I hope you will like the alternations I just made to it.

Hon, I will certainly miss your days of vile servitude, but I am happy for your new job and I hope it brings you great joy!

And I promise to do the dishes more often :)