Monday, November 5, 2007

Home today and a question

So I am home today, I called in sick. I felt yucky this morning so decided to just call in, I feel much better now (Whenever I think of that I think of Night Court and Harry's uncle who was in the mental asylum and always said, "But I feel much better now.") I think I just needed a mental health day. Anyway, it is nice to have a day at home that you don't usually get. I was able to read blogs and really take my time reading them. Usually, I look at all of the blogs and also at some point during this I realize that I am hungry and should probably start to make food. So then I am making dinner and reading blogs and well it just feels compressed sometimes. It was nice to just read and not worry about what time it was or what else needed to get done. I also watched an Eddie Izzard DVD. I am working my way through his stand-up on DVD in chronological order at the same time as I am watching the Todd Soldonz films, it is not as odd of a combination as it sounds. This Eddie Izzard clip goes out to the cat owners who read my blog, although I do not own a cat, I understand the sentiment.

So anyway, it got me thinking, what does my dog do when I am not at home? When I am home, he sleeps and he wanders around the apartment. Does he do the same things when I am not here? Does he sleep more and wander less or vice versa? Does he sleep on my bed, does he sleep in the living room where I am right now and have been? Does he play on the internet, I keep finding sites that I know I haven't been on like so this was supposed to be a joke, but apparently this is a real site of a dog training facility in Greenville, NC) and Bark Bark Woof Woof, oh wait, I do know that site, that is the blog of Mustang Bobby, sorry Ok that was me. Anyway, what does a dog or cat for that matter do when the owner is not there? The mere fact that I am home changes his routine and I know this, so I wonder about these things at times.


GourmetGoddess said...

hahahahahahahaha! My cats do catly things while I am gone. I can pick up hints about it based on the horrid evidence when I return. I know that they spend a lot of time in the window being taunted by squirrels and lusting after finches because I see little cat nose prints on the glass. They knock knick-knacks off of shelves. They recline in the bathroom sink (cat fur in drain) but never the kitchen sink. They attempt and sometimes are able to open the door to the Great Land of Forbidden Cat Delights (aka the basement). They garden. They attempt to sort the mail after the mailperson has thrust it through the slot into the porch (newspapers shredded, strewn across the room instead of in a neat pile). They chase all their glitter balls under the armoire and then gaze longingly at them, hoping they will come back out to play. They sleep under the blankets on the bed, although if I asked them to do so at night to act as foot warmers, they would be all, "Screw you, lady!"

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Your dog does indeed play on the net. We've been partners on several games of Spades on Yahoo.

pissed off patricia said...

My little dog is so old that he does only three things. He eats, sleeps and lets me know when he needs to go for a walk.

My cat, Fred the Cat, dictates his Friday posts into his tape recorder and then pays the dog to type and post it for him.

Animals have their own ways of having fun. I don't think we want to really know what they are up to when they are home alone.

Fran said...

All I know is that I think my cat is up to some kind of no good when I am away, but no matter what I do, everything is back in order when I return...

Glad you took the mental health day- we all need them sometimes!

Anonymous said...

Another thing you can learn from your cat is that it's okay to wear the same thing everyday.