Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I resolve...

to read more and hence post more book review here.

Ok, now that I have that out of the way, I really don't like New Years resolutions. I normally don't really have one as with most anything, I forget about it after a month or two. It seems to be an extra burden to say on January 1, I will lose weight, exercise more, sleep more, have less stress, etc., etc., etc. We never really follow through with it and we forget about it after a short period of time. So it is a waste, but as I was thinking this morning (in the shower, where I do some of my best thinking) I decided that I should read more. I got a whole bunch of books from the public library's book sale and I should read them. There are probably about 12 or so of them and so one a month is a realistic goal. Really it means I only have to read about ten pages a day, probably, on average for a 300 page book, that sounds reasonable to me. I like to read and so this should be easy for me, so that is what I am going to do. And since I am reading more and so that I have a bit more reason to read, I want to start to post more book reviews. I plan on reviewing every book I read this year.

Oh yeah and a hat tip to DCup as I saw her post on resolutions and so I figured if someone as smart and cool as she can have one than I should too.


Anonymous said...

Boxer! An admirable goal for 2008 and beyond.

Thanks for the link. I'll be there reading right along beside you while I think about exercising and not stressing out about those dust bunnies in the corner.....

Happy New Year to you and Logan.

Whiskeymarie said...

A realistic and educational goal, indeed.
I'm going to try and read more too this year. For whatever reason I've slacked off this past year, and I can feel more and more brain cells dying each and every day.

Happy New Year to you!

Unknown said...

I am not promsing nothin'. I have 3 books that I am reading. I told the guy that lent one that I was having trouble reading it and he told me to watch the movie.

Fran said...

I love to read and one - maybe the only one - downside of not commuting into NYC any more or doing a lot of plane travel, is that the train and plane were big book places for me. I got so much reading done.

As I reorganize my life I am trying to create more reading time and focus on that.

Thanks for the encouragement and know that I encourage you as well!

Comrade Kevin said...

If I can read six books a week in grad school, then you managing ten pages a day seems like a piece of cake!

That being said, I really need to read more myself and I even have a half-read book currently calling to me, begging to be finished.

Mauigirl said...

Great New Year's resolution! I'm sure you'll be more successful than I will with mine!