Question: What do Kirsten Vangsness, Jodie Foster, Rachel Maddow and Portia de Rossi have in common?
Answer: In addition to the fact that I find all of them to be really sexy, they are also all out of the closet Lesbians.
So why I am posting on this you may ask. Well, two reason. First I think it important that people be able to be who they are and if they are gay than so be it and I want people to be able to say that publicly. We need to find ways to de-stigmatize homosexuality.
Second, I have been trying to figure out why, recently I keep finding lesbian women really sexxy. I have had a crush on Rachel Maddow for a while now, I love Kirsten Vangsness after watching her on Criminal Minds, I have always thought Jodie Foster was really attractive and Portia de Rossi is, of course, gorgeous. That is not to say that I have not found some really attractive heterosexual women, but this post is about my love of lesbians or something like that. And now for a gratuitous shot of Kirsten because well, I can and I do truly love her best of all.

I think it is that you like relaly smart women, boxer - lesbian or otherwise.....
yeah so that is true too
Rachel is the TV bomb at our house. For DC that's easily explained but for me - well let's say I dated a lot of swimmer chicks in college.
i hope you do NOT have a crush on Mary Cheney
Math- hey that explains my Rachel thing as well as I have always thought that swimmer chicks were really hott.
DCap- No I don't have a crush on Mary Cheney.
I agree with you that it is great when people can feel free to be the way they are and be open about it. Where I work, there is a young guy who is openly gay and he talks about his partner and going to meet his partner's parents at Thanksgiving and it made me realize how great it was that he can now do that, when previous generations would not have felt comfortable doing so. This is what equality really means, and I'm hoping the next generation, growing up in this more open atmopshere, will be able to just take it for granted the way we take it for granted that heterosexual couples live togethre before marriage. I remember feeling a little wary of telling people I was living with my boyfriend back in the early 80's. Things keep moving forward, thank goodness.
Boxer you might have to face the reality that you are a lesbian trapped in a man's body ... ha
And trust me when I say, you are not alone!
BAC- I almost wrote that line from Eddie Izzard were he describes himself as a male lesbian, i feel like at times.
I have the same feelings you do, Boxer! Nice to know I'm not alone.
I always rejoice when anyone, celebrity or not, come out of the closet. It is much harder to hate someone when there's a chance you might know them personally. It's much easier to hate an abstraction or a stereotype.
BR, you have impeccable taste in women you'll never taste.
I too am an Honorary Lesbian, and find an excruciating number of them to be hawt.
Which does very little to relieve the back-pressure, but you know, there's more to lust than just The Plumbing.
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